Thoughts. Breath. Actions. It is a way of walking through the world. I’m not sure it is as high-minded as an intentional life. It’s more like my personal pursuit to live with the fullest expression of humanity. For me, that means to think, breathe (exist) and do.
Some of the thoughts that I think are written and memorialized here. I write a lot about existing in a body and what that is like. I started doing this around my yoga practice, so I talk a lot about yoga and living in a large body. It’s worth noting, though, that most of my thoughts are concerned with liberation and oppression of every kind.
Breath is evidence of life. It is part of the involuntary operating system of being human. Without thinking much about it, it is happening anyway. But something interesting happened for me in my life when I started to relate to breath and this covert operating system. In times of peace, I can notice my breath. In times of stress, I can notice my breath, too. In all cases, it sustains me. When I get lost, I come back to my breath. My breath is my compass when I am lost. It supports me when I feel weak. It moves me through my yoga practice, teaching, and artwork. Breath is energy, love and life.
Actions are what I do and what we all do. It isn’t quite enough to exist and observe. A fully human existence requires us to embody action. I do tons of stuff. I have done dozens of jobs, and I have learned many things. I am a parent, and I do a lot of parenting. I make pottery, and I paint sometimes. I do peer counseling, and through that, I lead antiracism, anticlassism, and antisexism work. I also periodically consult with small businesses on marketing and with agencies on creative operations.
Visit for more information about the scope of my professional life.