08.18.20 Plugging Back In
I have such a tiny following, I try to honor that with consistency, honesty, relevance, and not writing apologetic posts about why I went away. Sometimes I set my best-laid plans on fire. I find that practice is super necessary.
Here is a brief timeline of what’s been up for me:
In December, I quit a good job to take care of myself
I was teaching and practicing yoga all the time and beginning to feel pretty good
I started building an intuitive eating practice that was difficult but connected and working
I began to listen more to my body and learning that somethings were not feeling healthy to me
At the end of March, I went back to work at an agency since my husband could no longer work
In April, I began to realize that I was very sick. I have been struggling with an autoimmune disorder since childhood, but new symptoms had been sneaking up on me and were suddenly feeling rather intense and dangerous
I was homeschooling, starting a new job and chronically ill in the middle of a pandemic
Everything went slowly downhill from there until….
I got a ton of support around my health, I found some doctors, medicine, and energy work
I quit my job, and now I am able to spend more time homeschooling and thinking about my body
I want to and will write more about each of these topics. I would really love to hear from you.
Share your story with me.
What are your thoughts and actions? Please write to me about your life during quarantine, healing, approaching the body in times of stress and illness, your relationship to movement, your relationship to food, big triumphs of any kind, big failures, or maybe a "meh' moment. How do you feel right now? I want to hear your stories!
I want to know from as many people possible, how your life feels, and how it has changed in the last 6 months during COVID. I mean, the blessing for me about being sick during this time, is that I didn’t really have a choice beyond going hard on connecting with my body. Prior to being faced with a choice between moving and breathing or just sitting in pain and praying, I had to decide to fall fully into my intuition and listening to my body. That effort is basically a full-time job - for a multitude of reasons.
I have been unable to teach yoga, and until recently unable to practice and I have missed everyone. So, to my large-bodied yogis, please drop me a line and let me know what your practice feels like these days. Can you make it to your mat? Does it feel good? Are you too anxious to practice? Are you able to notice your body at all? Are you ready for some community? Maybe a short zoom series? Maybe some breath-work and meditation?
Please do write to me! I love to hear your stories and get a sense of how I can serve you, but I also think it is healing to show yourself and share how you are honestly doing without pretense.
I am looking forward to designing my next steps as I re-enter the fold. Look for invitations to intuitive eating support groups, somatic breathing, meditation, and maybe a light brief daily practice if there is interest.