02.25.20 We Have Arrived at Ash Wednesday
Once again we have burned through whatever necessary to arrive at Ash Wednesday. We come to this day with the scars of revelry, the joys of communion and creativity and the soreness of constant parading and overstimulation.
This is a time of letting go. This is a time of inviting practices and observances that make us whole.
Lent is a practice that comes from the Catholic faith. If you don’t know much about lent, I can offer you the information that it is a time of preparation, reflection and cleansing before the celebration of the Easter holiday - which I won’t get into. Sometimes we give things up like alcohol, sugar, social media, or t.v.. Sometimes we take on observances like regular meditation or serving the poor or any number of helpful actions.
In the context of yoga, the sutras reference Yamas (abstinences) and Niyamas (observances).
1. Ahimsa: non-harming
2. Satya: refraining form dishonesty
3. Asteya: non-stealing
4. Bramacharia: wise use of sexual energy
5. Aparigraha: refraining from greed
1. Saucha: purity
2. Santosha: contentment
3. Tapas: right effort
4. Svadhaya: self study
5. Ishvara Pranidhana
These abstinences and observances are not intended to simply build discipline, though it will certainly take discipline to commit to them. The Yamas and Niyamas are guides that lead the yogi away from suffering and difficulty and toward a life of peace and happiness.
Todays restorative practice may offer you a spacious moment of contemplation to be with your most complete and authentic self in the presence of this community. You may feel able to come to this moment with humility and courage to ask actions, abstinences and observances will bring you further from suffering and closer to peace.